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Mizorama a vawi khatna atan nimin khan Department of Community Medicine, Zoram Medical College chuan Directorate of Census Operation, Govt. of India leh AIIMS, New Delhi ṭangkawp buatsaihin Aizawl District chhung ah Part-time enumerators-te tan “Verbal Autopsy for Maternal Death” training neih a ni.

He training hi India rama project thar MINERVA hnuaia kalpui niin, a tum ber chu nu nau chunga thihna (maternal death) a awmin thihchhan mumal hriat loh emaw doctor lehkha nei mumal lo te an thih chhan dik tak chhui chhuahna atan a ni.

He training hi ZMC Director Prof. L.Fimate in a hawng a, Dr. Subrata Baidya, Tripura Medical College leh Dr. Baridaylne Nongkynrih, AIIMS, Delhi-a miten zirtirna hi an rawn pe a ni.

He training hi Subasish Chatterjee, Deputy Director, Census Operation, Govt. of India leh G. Vasantha Kumar, Assistant Director, Sample Registration System (SRS)-ten an hmanpui bawk a ni.