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October 16, 2014-a UNO Agency hrang hrangte leh Mizoram sawrkar thawhhona tur UN Joint Initiative ziak a nih hnu khan UNO Office, New Delhi chuan chak takin hma a la nghal a, thawhhona turin UN Agency, FAO, UNDP, UNIDO leh ILO hmanga project kalpui tur a buatsaih nghal a ni.
Nimina sawrkar thuchhuah tarlan danin. heng Project senso tur UNO sum hnar hrang hrangah an thehluh hi Project  ‘International Cooperation Fund’ tia vuah, India ram leh UN Agency ho te thawhhona tur project hi Central Sorkar remtihna a ngaih avangin umzui nan hun engemaw chen hman a ngai a, pên hmasakna atana ruat Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO) tan bika Project siam US $ 4,96,000  ni 8.7.2015  exchange rate India pawisa ang chuan `3,15,30,720/- chu FAO kaltlanga hman turin Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India leh FAO Representative in India ten July 3, 2015 khan an sign fel a, ni 8.7.2015 khan UN Office atangin an Agreement copy leh Clearance hi Mizoram sawrkar ah pek a ni, tih sawrkar thuchhuah chuan a tarlang.

Project atana sum hman tur hi Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India aiawhin Pu Rajesh Kumar Singh, Jt. Secretary leh UN aiawhin Pu Kevin D. Gallagher, FAO Representative in India ten an sign a ni.

He lehkha ah hian Project chu Development of Extension and Outreach and Managerial Capacities by State and Public Institutions in Mizoram (within context of UN Joint Initiative/New Land Use Policy Board) tih niin, Project Symbol atan TCP/IND/3501 a ni a, Project tan hun chu April, 2015 niin, March 2017 ah zawh tum a ni. Project enkawl tur leh mawh-phur turin NLUP Board, Mizo-ram State leh Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India ruat an ni.

Nimina Assembly Session neih chawhma Session ah khan he thu hi Pu R. Lalzirliana, Agriculture & Nodal Minister of NLUP chuan a puang a ni.