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India hmarchhaka Survey of Villages Abadi and Mapping wit Improvised Technology in Village Areas (SVAMITVA) Scheme hnuaia Property Card semchhuahna hmasa ber chu nimin khan Phulpui leh Tachhipah te neih a ni a, he hun hi Land Revenue & Settlement Minister Lalruat-kima’n a hmanpui a ni.

Minister chuan Property Card semchhuah chu hmasawnna ropui tak a ni, a ti a, Property Card chu LSC nen a danglam loh thu sawiin, dân anga ram neitu nihna mipuite hnenah a pek thu te, Property Card hmangin mipuiten awlsam zawka loan an lak theih tur thu leh zangnadawmna lâk kawngah pawh VC Pass-in a huam ve loh ram hlutna chhût tel a nih tawh tur thu a sawi a ni.

Minister chuan National Generic Document Registration System kalpui mekah Sub- Registrars’ Office (SRO) pawh district tinah neih thuai a beisei thu leh awlsam zawka mipui ten chhiah an pek theihna tur ‘Computerise online payment of taxes’ chu peihfel thuai a nih tur thu a sawi bawk.
SVAMITVA Scheme hi sawrkar laipui Ministry of Panchayati Raj hnuaia Central Sector Scheme a ni a, he scheme hnuaiah hian camera thlawkthei, drone hmangin thingtlang khuaa mihring chenna hmunte thlalak a ni a, thlalak hmang hian Property Card siamsak ṭheuh an ni.

Tun dinhmunah Mizoram khua 319-ah he scheme hi kalpui tura ruahman a ni a, khua 171-ah te drone hmanga thlalak ṭan a ni tawh a, hmarchhak state zingah Phulpui leh Tachhip te hi Property Card semchhuahna hmasa ber niin, vawiinah hian Property Card 420, Phulpuiah card 166 leh Tachhipah card 254 semchhuah a ni.